One of my most vivid memories of school happened one lunchtime. I took out my packed lunch (of rice and corned beef) to a sniggering bunch of boys in my class, who said it “looked like dog food”. Safe to say I didn’t eat any lunch that day, and hurriedly tucked my boxes back in my bag.

I went home that day asking my mum to pack me a sandwich for lunch. Because that’s what “normal kids” ate.

Although this was a sad memory, it led me to discover so many weird and wonderful sandwich combinations. In this photo series I captured some of my favourite sandwiches from my childhood.

ham and cheese sandwich stacked
closeup of quorn ham slices
cheese spread filled sandwiches
No, that’s not peanut butter, it’s cheez whiz.
cheez whiz sandwich spread closeup
hand squashing tower of cheese sandwiches
closeup of strawberry jam
jam sandwich triangles on purple background

What are your favourite sandwich fillings?

To see more of my commercial food photography you can view my portfolio here. And if you’d like to work with me, you can contact me or my agent.

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