Did you know that cheese is the third largest greenhouse gas emitting food?1
It surprised me too! Cheese ranks just below beef and lamb in the amount of greenhouse gases it produces within the food supply chain, ranking above chicken, pork and fish.
As a vegetarian, I assumed that simply cutting out meat would drastically reduce the carbon footprint of my diet. However, probably like many vegetarians, a decent proportion of my meals contain cheese and/or dairy (one of my favourite treats is a buttery cheese toastie – guilty as charged!)
So what are our options? Vegan cheese, aka Gary, is renowned for tasting a bit funky and sticking to the roof of your mouth. Here comes Earthy vegan cheese –

1/250 | f2.2 | 35mm | ISO160

1/250 | f2.8 | 35mm | ISO 160
Earthy vegan cheese
Marie-Anne started making her own vegan cheese after becoming vegan and discovering the limited number of cheese substitutes on the market. From then Earthy Vegan Cheese was born.
Marie-Anne’s French heritage put her in a great starting place to making her own vegan cheeses that not only tasted great, but also imitated the mouthfeel and behaviour of ‘real’ cheese that can be melted and used for cooking.
Earthy has a wide variety of cheeses ranging from Cashew Bleu to Chipotle Chilli Pepperjack to New Moon Brie.
They also make lovely custom cheeseboards that give you a little taster of each type.
From what started as a little police box in the heart of Edinburgh, you can now buy Earthy Vegan cheeses at Beetroot Sauvage cafe and other retailers.
To find out more about Earthy Vegan Cheese visit their website or Instagram page.
1 You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food? Focus on what you eat, not whether your food is local
Your questions about food and climate change, answered